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【Medical Insights】Latest Developments in Parkinson's Disease Treatment and Research

Parkinson's Disease Treatment

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that predominantly affects the elderly, ranking among the top three neurological diseases in the elderly population. Currently, about 1-3% of people aged 65 and above are affected by Parkinson's disease. However, this disease is not exclusive to the elderly. Half of the patients develop symptoms after the age of 60, and young individuals aged 20 to 40 also constitute 5 to 10% of the patient population.

The main pathological features of Parkinson's disease include the accumulation of Lewy bodies in the cytoplasm of brain cells and the death of substantia nigra cells. This leads to the inability to produce a sufficient number of dopamine neurons, causing a chronic disease with progressively abnormal motor function. Patients with Parkinson's disease may exhibit symptoms such as limb incoordination, stiffness, tremors, slowness of movement, expressionless face, progressively smaller handwriting, and difficulties in walking, speaking, sleeping, urination, and sexual function.

Treatment for Parkinson's Disease:

  • Medication: Currently, the primary treatment for Parkinson's disease involves the use of dopamine medications, primarily levodopa. The goal of Parkinson's disease treatment is to improve symptoms, including increasing dopamine in the brain using dopamine medications, dopamine agonists, dopamine metabolism inhibitors, and anticholinergic medications. However, there is currently no cure.

  • Surgical Treatment: Surgical therapies such as thalamotomy and deep brain stimulation are available. However, both surgical and medical treatments can only improve symptoms. Surgical candidates must meet specific criteria, and one of them is responsiveness to medication.

  • Rehabilitation Therapy: Rehabilitation can improve joint and muscle mobility, alleviate discomfort caused by stiffness, and enhance overall motor function.

  • Other Approaches: Emerging treatment methods include gene therapy and stem cell reconstruction therapy. Gene therapy involves implanting a virus carrying a specific gene type into the patient's nucleus or substantia nigra to supplement the lacking dopamine or promote dopamine production. Clinical research in this area is ongoing. Stem cell reconstruction therapy utilizes stem cells with repair and regenerative capabilities to replace malfunctioning cells or repair damaged tissues. Research and cases related to stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease are being conducted in the United States and Japan, showing promise as a highly anticipated treatment.

Considerations for Parkinson's Disease Patients:

  • Reduce Protein Intake During the Day: Increase fiber intake and drink at least 2000cc of water.

  • Avoid Falls and Injuries: Take precautions to prevent falls and resulting complications.

  • Move Despite Slowness: Incorporate exercise training and assistive methods to enhance daily life and mobility.